…shoot to shoot account of a passionate photographer sharing his work


The Comer Family :)

Chris has been a great friend of mine for years, we grew up together practically in church. Him and his wife have recently moved back to Magnolia and are all great friends of mine and my family. We got them all together yesterday for a family shoot, my first family shoot w/ my new 5D mII…it’s unbelievable 🙂 Had fun guys!

The Waller’s New Addition

Here is the wallers new baby boy, Jack. Isn’t he adorable? He was so cute, and the love between them all was very obvious. I had a blast shooting with them, we got some great shots!

Hope you enjoy!

Mr & Future Miss Mayo :)

This is a couple of my really good friends, Holly and Keith. They were so much fun to work with. It was a dreary, cloudy day and we were afraid of rain, but I’m really glad we decided to go ahead and shoot. We had a blast! My “assistant” Deanne Compton came alone for a few laughs, fun was definitely had by all 🙂

Hope you enjoy!

My new addition :) – Introducing Canon! – and new camera :)

Hey everyone,

As a lot of you know about me, I am a huge dog lover…especially labs. I just recently added to my collection of these beautiful dogs with this beauty. His name is Canon! Be expecting many more pictures as time goes by of him and my other dogs 🙂 I also purchased a new camera, the new Canon 5D mkII…this thing is unbelievable. This shot is one of my first shots w/ the camera, and it was shot at ISO 6400!!! That’s CRAZY!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Take care!

New site launched!!

Hey everyone!

I hope everyone had a safe, enjoyable 2008 and planning to have an even better 2009! I’m looking forward to a great year!

I have been working on this site between projects for a while now and it is finally complete! There is some music on the site, so if you have your volume turned all the way up I suggest you turn it down a little!

I hope you all enjoy, and drop me a line if you get a sec and let me know what you honestly think!

Bare with me! I have changed hosting services, so all the pictures on my blog will not show up for a while, but I will have them up and going soon!

Thanks, and have a wonderful day!

Carter Kids

Hey everyone,

These are pics from a shoot I had a week or so ago of my new pastor’s kids. Aren’t they adorable? They were so much fun to shoot. His eyes just lit up the room!
Hope you enjoy!

Also, I’m putting the finishing touches on my new website, so keep checking back!


Families, families, and MORE families!

Over the past month, I have had a TON of family shoots. We’ve had a great time. There are a lot of different families I’ve shot with, so rather than having a separate post for each I have decided to post a lot of my past shoots together! From kids to full families, we’ve had it all over the past few weeks! I wish everyone a Happy Holidays, and as always thanks for taking the time to stop by and check out my work!

The Emmerlings :)

These two have been great friends of mine for a LONG time. Introducing David & Kasey. They are getting married in February! We met up in Little Rock a while back and shot these, they were a LOT of fun to work with!

Hope you enjoy!

The Future Mr. and Mrs. Alan Garrett!

This engagement shoot was a treat. Alan and Shay were a LOT of fun to work with. All I had to do was just stand back take pictures of them goofing around w/ each other. They were hilarious! You can see how much they love each other in every shot. The colors of the leaves were beautiful this day, it was gorgeous!

They are getting married in February, so check back then for pictures from their big day!

Modeling Portfolios : Deanne & Mitzi

Hey everyone!

Here lately I’ve had a LITTLE free time to work on a few different modeling portfolio type shoots, which is another one of my passions. First is Deanne, which I’m sure you’ve noticed from other shoots I’ve had. Second is Mitzi, a new friend of mine / tennis partner! They’re both incredibly gorgeous and extremely photogenic, don’t you think? I hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by!